Moving Fence

Best Partners in Maintenance of Electric Power Facilities
Moving Fence
Moving Fence
Up to 4M
It can be used as a barrier to prevent access to industrial sites and places requiring electrical safety.
Easy to use and easy to move
Product Introduction
Moving Fence
icon02.png Feature
  • Up to 4M
  • It can be used as a barrier to prevent access to industrial sites and places requiring electrical safety.
  • Easy to use and easy to move
Model Moving Fence
Size When use: 101.6cm(H) x 396cm(L) x 2.54cm(T)
When folded: 101.6cm(H) x 61cm(L) x 33cm(T)
Color Yellow
Material Plastic
Weight 16.8kg
Use Used as a barrier to prevent access to places that require electrical safety and etc. such as industrial sites and construction sites.